Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, 10/30/08 WOD: 11-15 Years Old

Here was today's main WOD, that went along with some technique work and some "skin the cat" practice:
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Rep Rounds of:
DB Swings
Strict Press
Good Job Guys!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, 10/29 WOD- 6-10 Years Old

Partner Wheel Barrels are Fun!
Here's what we did today:
Warm-up: Relay Races
Technique: Squat and Kipping
15 Push-ups/15 Sit-ups
WOD: 3 Rounds of- 20 Squats/15 Sit-ups/10 Pull-us
Post: Skin the Cat Practice
Games: Tortoise and the Hare

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, 10/28 WOD- 11-15 Years Old

We learned some Overhead Squats Today!! This is a tough movement to learn
Today's Workout:
Warm-up: Jump Rope, Light Plyo's
Technique: Review Squat, Teach Overhead Squat
WOD: As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 mins of-
Run 200 meters
10 Overhead Squats
10 Pull-ups
Post: Work on Ring Dips and Ring Supports
Good Job Everyone!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, 10/27/08 WOD- 6-10 Years Old

Flying Through the Skies!!
Today's Workout:
Warm-up: Relays
Technique: Review Squat and Thruster, Learn Stict Press
WOD: "Chipper" from the CFK HQ Site- 2 Rounds of- 20 Feet Broad Jumps/20 Feet Lunge Walks/10-15 Swings/10-15 Pull-ups/10-15 Hanging Knee Raises
Post: 10 Skin the Cats
Game: Roving Plank Tag

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, 10/23/08 WOD- 11-15 Years Old

We Will Master The Jump Rope!!!!
Today was a great day. We are learning to kip and some of us were able to bang out a bunch of kipping pull-ups today!!
Today's WOD:
Warm-up: Jump Rope and Parnter Jumping Drills
Technique: Squat, Kipping
WOD: "Mini-Cindy"- As many rounds in 10 mins of: 3 Pull-ups/6 Push-ups/9 Squats
Post: 500 meter row

Wednesday, 10/23 WOD- 6-10 Years Old

Hopping on the Box!!
Here's what we did today:
Warm-up: Sharks and Minnows Variations
Plank/Stinkbug w/ in and out the window jumps
Technique: Squat/Thruster
WOD: Fran with Hops- 21/15/9 Rep Rounds of: PVC Thrusters/Box Jumps
Post: Handstands
Games: The Moving Fort

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, 10/21/08 WOD- 11-15 Years Old

Here they are....Rowing, Squatting, and Pulling
Here Was Today's Workout:
Warm-up: Jump Rope and Barrier Jumps
Technique: Squat
WOD: Row 200 Meters
21 Squats/21 Assisted Pull-ups
Row 200 Meters
15 Squat/15 Pull-ups
Row 200 Meters
9 Squats/9 Pull-ups
Post: Ski Specific work of Tabata Barrier Jumps w/ Static Hold during the "Rest Interval"
3 Mins of Jump Rope Practice

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, 10/20 WOD- 6-10 Years Old

Yes, they are definately paying attention to me and not each other.....haha
Here was the WOD:
Warm-up: Sharks and Minnows
Technique: Plank/Stinkbug, Squat
WOD (Video Below): 12-9-6 Rep Rounds of:
Squat Thrust Burpees
Jumping Pull-ups
Game: Crossfit Limbo
The kids would like everybody to know that they beat Speal in Crossfit Limbo!!
Here's a little video of 2 of the kids during the first Round of the workout:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday, 10/16 WOD- 11-15 Year Olds

Here's Daniel busting through some Push Presses
Todays main WOD was a variation of a Crossfit Kids HQ WOD that was posted a couple weeks ago:
3 Rounds of: 15 Push Presses/15 Squat Jumps or Burpees
Skier Conditioning: After this some of the kids did Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats to prep for Ski Racing Season
We also Did some Rowing and Handstand practice before and after the main WOD

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday, 10/15 WOD- 6-10 Years

Here's a little video of what we did today:

Here's what we did today:

Warm-up: Multi-Station Relay, Lateral Hops

Focus/Technique: Plank/Stinkbug, Cartwheels

WOD: 3 Rounds of: Max Rep Push-ups/Max Box Jumps in 2 mins

Game: Musical Medballs

Tuesday, 10/14- 11-15 Year Old Group

Today (Tuesday) was the 1st Day for our 11-15 Year Old Group. Great Job everybody, way to work hard!!
Here's what we did:
WOD: AMRAP in 10-11 mins of: 5 20" Box Jumps/6 Pull-ups (jumping if needed)
We did some handstand practice and rowing as well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

1st Day WOD!!

Practicing some Beginner Ring Pull-ups
The workout that the 6-10 year old group did today was one that I witnessed a bunch of young studs and studdettes doing this past weekend at the Crossfit Kids Certification.
Here is the workout:
Warm-up- Multi-Station Relay
Focus/Technique- Plank and Stinkbug
WOD (Workout of the Day)- As many rounds as possible in 5-8 minutes of:
5 Handstand Push-ups (any variation)
5 12-15" Box Jumps
Post: Worked on Beginner Ring Pull-ups
Game: Crossfit Limbo
It was an awesome class!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


We are in the new space and will be starting the Crossfit Kids program again on Monday, October 13. Here is some info:
Monday and Wednesday: 6-10 Years Old
Tuesday and Thursday: 11-15 Years Old
Time: 4:00-4:45
Location: 2730 Rasmussen Rd Suite C3
Park City, UT 84098
Price: $80/month
If interested contact Eric at: or 717-201-6793
Check out this link from Crossfit Kids Headquarters to see what Crossfit Kids is about:
This will be an on-going program so feel free to stop by anytime!!