Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, June 30 WOD

Katherine doing some "Clap Jacks"

Here are today's WOD's. It interesting that we can keep things similar for each group and everybody could get a great workout..... Geez, this scaling workouts according to ability levels thing works!! I also love the competition aspect that this promotes.

It should also be noted that the workouts posted are only the main part of the session and does not included the warm-ups, agility drills, technique drills and other supplemental exercises that we do.

10:00 Group: Main WOD

6-7 Years Old: 3-5 Rounds of- 5 Inchworms/10 Box Jumps/15 Clap Jacks/Run 1 Lap

8-9 Years Old: 3-5 Rounds of: 7 Inchworms/15 Box Jumps/30 Clap Jacks/run 1 Lap

9:00 and 11:00 Group: Main WOD

5 Rounds: 10 x 1 Arm DB Snatch (5 per arm)/10 Push-ups/15 Overhead Squats/Run 1 Lap

Teens: Main WOD

Back Squat or Deadlift supersetted w/ Pull-ups (w/assist band if you can't do any)

3-5 Rounds of: 5 Box Jumps/10 Push-ups/15 Overhead Squat/Run 1 Laps

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Friday's Workout: TEAM WOD!!

Here are the Studs from 9:00 Group After Their Competition Today!!

Here's Zev Finishing Off Some Deadlifts......Beast in the Making!!

We did a group team workout for each class today, except the teens class. The guys and girls worked really hard and helped each other out....Great Job!!

9:00 and 11:00 Class did this in Groups of 3 or 4

Together as a Team Complete:

50 Med Ball Slams

100 Wall Ball Shots

150 DB Rows

200 Push-ups

150 DB Swings

100 DB Push Presses

50 Burpees

Then Each Person had to Run a Lap

10:00 Class did This: In a groups of 2 Complete

50 Ball Slams

75 Squats

100 Side to Side Bunny Hops

75 Presses w/ PVC

50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/ PVC

The Teens: We had a more Traditional Lift Day

Work up to a Deadlifts w/ Perfect Form: 3x5 reps as Heavy as you can do without Form Degrading

Auxillary Lifts: Presses, Unilateral Leg Work, Posterior Chain Work

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, 6/25/08 WOD

Here's Jake doing some Jumping Jacks

We mixed things up a little bit Today, Variety is Good!!
6-9 Year Old: Main WOD (not including technique, skill work, and games)
3 Rounds of:
30 Jumping Jacks
25 Supermans
20 Overhead Presses or Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with Stick
15 Sit-ups
10 Squats
5 Push-ups
10-13 Year Olds: Main WOD (not including warm-up and technique/skill work)
For Time, 3 Rounds of:
50 Rope Jumps
40 Supermans
30 Sit-ups
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
Patick finished this in a blazing 11:59, WITH GREAT TECHNIQUE!!
Teens: Main WOD
Overhead Press: 3x5/Max Rep Strict Pull-ups x 3 sets
For Time, 3 rounds of:
50 Rope Jumps
40 Supermans
30 Sit-ups
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
We had a close competition here....Mark did this in 10:23, Zev finished close behind in 10:37

Monday, June 23, 2008

June 23, 2008 WOD

Another excellent Workout today for the boys and girls. Each class included some Push Presses,
Box Jumps, running and more.
Also, everybody's Air Squat technique is starting to look good!!

Here's Jeff showing off a good finish to the Push Press

Below are the girls from the 6-9 Year Old Class

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, June 20

We finished up a great week.

Excellent Work everybody!!

6-9 Year Olds:

We did some agility ladder work. Worked on some air squat and standing overhead press technique work. We separtated this WOD into 2 groups:

8-9 Year Olds:

Run 2 Laps (400 meters)

Burpees and Standing Overhead Press- 20/15/10 of each exercise

Run 2 Laps

6-7 Year Olds:

Run 1 Lap

Burpees and Standing Overhead Press- 20/15/10 of each exercise

Run 1 Lap


After a good warm-up and some agility work we did:

Deadlift (worked on technique and built up to a few hard sets while keeping good form)

Then our conditioning was:

Run 3 Laps (600 meters)

20 x Barbell Push Press

10 x 20" Box Jump

Run 2 Laps (400 meters)

15 x Push Press

15 x 20" Box Jump

Run 1 Lap (200 meters)

10 x Push Press

20 x 20" Box Jump

For Fun we did some Forward and Backward Sled Drags and some Rope Sled Pulls

Here's Gabe showing us a pretty good "rack" position for the Overhead Press

Here's Mark doing some hand over hand Sled Pulls

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday, June 18 WOD

Today we did a variation of the Crossfit Benchmark called "Helen" (I don't know why it's called that). We'll do this again in a few weeks to see how much we have improved

6-9 Year Olds Main Workout:

Repeat this Circuit 3 Times (3 Rounds)

Run 1 Lap (200 meters)

21 Air Squats

30 sec Push-up Hold

10-13 Year Olds Main WOD

3 Rounds of:

4oo meter run

21 Dumbbell Swings

12 Assisted Pull-ups

Teens Main WOD

3 Rounds of:

400 meter run

21 Kettlebell swings

12 Pull-ups

Anna (Ah-na) and Patrick Ripping Through the Swings

Mark Busting Out the Pull-ups: He Finished the Teen Version in Just over 15 mins....Lets see what his time is next time!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday, 6/17/09, WOD (Workout of the Day)

Today I had a 3 Person Group
We ended up doing a Killer Team Workout. The guys pushed themselves and each other. Great Job!!

Rules of this WOD: 1.) Must complete all reps of one exercise before moving on to the next exercise 2.) One person goes at a time 3.)Must show good form 4.) Reps are added up between the 3 members to achieve the designated amount of reps (example for 100 pull-ups: Person 'A' could do a total of 30 reps, Person 'B' a total of 30 reps, Person 'C' a total of 40 reps which would equal 100 reps)

Team WOD

100 Green Band Assisted Pull-ups

150 Push Presses

200 Air Squats

150 Push-ups

100 Burpees

Run 1 Lap as a group

Their time was approximately 27 mins

Cody Powering Through on the Push Presses

Jackson Exploding Up from a Burpee

Tyler Working His Way Up for a Pull-up

Monday, June 16, 2008

1st Day

Here are some pictures from our 1st Official Day of Crossfit Kids/Teens!!
Everybody did great today and had some fun as well

Getting some air on Box Jumps in the 10:00 Class

Think he's going low enough on his Push-ups?? Not bad

I'm Tired!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Monday, June 16 WOD- (Workout of the Day)

Today is assessment Day!!
Why do we have this day? There are many reasons but a few of the important ones are: To see what adjustments may need to be made for individuals during our WODs, to show improvements over time, to show weaknesses, imbalances, strengths, etc.
This day will be important for future individual scaling of WODs.
This will be Scaled According to Age and Ability Level. Some possibilities might be:
Perfect Push-ups in 1 minute
Max Broad Jump
Max Box Jumps in 1 Minute (12 in/16 in/20 in)
Max Sit-ups in 1 min
Max Set of Ring Rows in 1 minute
Short Sprint
200-400 meter Run

Don't be Scared, we'll have Fun.......3-2-1 GO!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crossfit Schedule and First Class

Here is a look at the Crossfit Kids Summer Schedule:

All Classes are Monday-Wednesday-Friday, Starting Monday, June 16 and ending Friday, August 8 (8 weeks). No Class on Friday, July 4 and Monday, July 7. The cost is $200 and includes a t-shirt. We will be running the program out of the Basin Rec Center until Crossfit Park City opens its new space.....hopefully mid-July.

6-9 year olds: 10:00--11:00

10-13 year olds: 11:00-12:00

Teens/14-17 year olds: 1:00-2:00

If a time does not work for you....just let me know. I will try to create some new times ONLY if there are at least 5 kids around the same age willing to participate at that particular time.
Feel Free to Contact Eric at: with any questions

I had a great training session this morning for a group of 6 fine young gentlemen (ages 11-14) that wanted to check out the program. Everybody put forth a great effort and had a good time.

The workout was: A good general and dynamic warm-up

Followed by Technique instruction of the Squat (air squat)

The main session consisted of: Burpees with a lateral hop over low barrier

Push-ups (emphasis on perfect technique)

Squats (air squat)

We finished this up by playing an active game for a few minutes.

Here are some pics: (sorry, I don't think that I got pics of everybody)

Not bad for the first day of learning the squat

Brothers Compete!! Who has the better technique??

Getting Ready to Jump over the barrier after the Burpee

Getting up from the burpee to Jump over the barrier

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Myth # 1

Come Hang Out With This Guy A Little Bit This Summer!!

Crossfit Kids!!!!

Crossfit Park City is starting a Crossfit Kids and Teens program…..wooohoooo!!
Throughout the next couple of months in the newsletter and posts on the Crossfit Kids Blog, I will be talking a little more in-depth about the program and how it can benefit kids/teens of all ages and ability levels. I will also be talking about some of the myths that are out there about kids and teens participating in exercise programs.

This months: Myth # 1: “It is not safe for kids to lift weights!!”

First, I should point out that Crossfit is about more than lifting weights and that it is about incorporating all aspects of fitness into a comprehensive program (coordination, balance, speed, endurance, strength, etc). Realistically, kids will spend more time developing other skills rather than pure weight lifting. However, when I start talking about a fitness program for kids, one of the common responses is: “it is not safe for kids to lift weights” or “it will hurt their growth plates”. Obviously parents don’t want to hurt their kids, but is it true that kids who lift weights have a higher rate of growth plate injuries compared to the rest of the population? I could go into a bunch of scientific mumbo-jumbo and give some history on how this all came about, but I don’t feel like boring you into a coma. So I’ll keep this short and sweet.
The short answer is “no, it’s not unsafe for kids to lift weights”. This is especially true when done under supervision by a specialist and given the proper instruction. Obviously, I’m not going to have a 5 -year old stud doing heavy barbell back squats. Younger kids will start learning movement technique with extremely light or no weight and the focus will be on the perfection of technique and skill development, which can lead to a ton of benefits, as Jeff Martin (founder of Crossfit Kids) would say “the magic of Crossfit is in the movements themselves”. As a child progresses in experience and age so will weight and complexity of skills being developed. What’s interesting is that most injuries in kids happen through recreational or teams sports such as football, soccer, mountain biking, skiing, etc and no one really gives a thought as to these sports being overly dangerous. One study showed this: the injury rate for weight training is .0012 injuries per 100 participant hours, now compare this to soccer which showed an injury rate of 6.2 injuries per 100 participant hours. There are other studies out there that will also show that lifting weights is a relatively safe and injury-free fee activity when properly supervised. Furthermore, there are no real studies to show that proper weight training for kids is unsafe. What we are going to find out is that there are actually a lot of benefits for kids lifting weights and that’s what I will talk about in the newsletter and through this blog.
Keep checking the website for more info and updates on the kids program!!
