Sunday, June 29, 2008

Friday's Workout: TEAM WOD!!

Here are the Studs from 9:00 Group After Their Competition Today!!

Here's Zev Finishing Off Some Deadlifts......Beast in the Making!!

We did a group team workout for each class today, except the teens class. The guys and girls worked really hard and helped each other out....Great Job!!

9:00 and 11:00 Class did this in Groups of 3 or 4

Together as a Team Complete:

50 Med Ball Slams

100 Wall Ball Shots

150 DB Rows

200 Push-ups

150 DB Swings

100 DB Push Presses

50 Burpees

Then Each Person had to Run a Lap

10:00 Class did This: In a groups of 2 Complete

50 Ball Slams

75 Squats

100 Side to Side Bunny Hops

75 Presses w/ PVC

50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/ PVC

The Teens: We had a more Traditional Lift Day

Work up to a Deadlifts w/ Perfect Form: 3x5 reps as Heavy as you can do without Form Degrading

Auxillary Lifts: Presses, Unilateral Leg Work, Posterior Chain Work

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